Watch This First – Intro to By Copy Play

Getting The Most From These Sessions

By-Copy Play is a powerful practice that has served me and many students well. Keep in mind that this is not the typical lesson that you learn or memorize. Below are short, concise tips on how to get the most benefit from these By-Copy sessions.

  • Start with just a few minutes at a time. Expand that slowly until you can do between five to ten minutes at a sitting.

  • Don’t worry about getting it “right”… ever! Do the best you can. These are exercises and this is a workout. Each session will make you better.
  • Start with the easier ones. Do them over and over. Think exercise – you wouldn’t lift weights once or twice and expect results? There’s no reason to get them done. Move on when the current one is getting too easy and you need more of a challenge. 
  • Adopt the attitude that putting in the time equals success. It’s like the way most people treat going to the gym. They’re not concerned with how perfectly they did the exercises, but that they made the time.
  • Find a place without distractions. This is especially important in the early stages.
  • When you can play roughly half of the video while watching, start looking away or close your eyes. Attempt to catch some phrases by listening. This will seem difficult at first but will speed up your ear training. Don’t push too hard. It’s a natural process if you spend the time regularly.
  • Be patient with yourself. If you haven’t done this before, it will take time

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