2-17 6th String & The G Major Scale

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In this lesson we’re going to add in the 6th and final string. Do you remember the G Major scale? We’re going to learn to play it in two octaves this time.

Try to read the tablature while you’re playing, instead of watching my fingers. This will help make you more comfortable reading tablature.

G Major Scale 6 Strings Tab1

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Hi Tomas,
I’m really enjoying that I’m finally learning to read and play from tablature, thank you for the way you’ve been teaching it! I’m still finding it a bit hit-and-miss with playing the wrong string on the 4th and 5th strings (my fret fingering is mostly correct) so I’ll make that a focus of my practice. Thank you.

Tomas (Administrator) September 6, 2020 at 9:54 pm

Thanks for your comment Stephanie. Keep in mind that this is an introduction to tablature. It’s not meant to make you an expert… But rather have the basic facility to use it as we go forward.

Tomas (Administrator) September 6, 2020 at 9:55 pm

I’m also using this as an opportunity to have you practice good fingering technique. If you take time and pay attention to where you put your fingers it will pay off.

Great drill to learn
the G scale\key…
Thank you

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