2-15 Learn Gentle Breeze 5 String Melody

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Let’s dive back into tablature. You just added the fifth string into the mix. Now let’s learn a melody using the first five strings. “Gentle Breeze” is a fun and challenging way to practice what you’ve learned so far.

As always, go slow and play along as much as you need to.

Gentle Breeze 5 Strings Tab1

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finding it difficult to find the “A” string on the restart. Practice required.

Need to practice with Timer start50 rpm, then increase 60, 70, 80. Will get back tomorrow. Thanks.

Great practice drill….thank you

i am finding it much harder to learn the finger positions then the previous songs. I will keep practicing

Tomas (Administrator) August 26, 2019 at 5:40 pm

Yes, you may have to practice each lesson longer than the previous module.

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