Are you sure you want to remove from your connections?
How are things going, Terry?
How are things going, Janette?
How are things going, Anthony?
Just thought I’d check in and see how it’s going, Gennaro.
Thanks for introducing yourself, Rob. I’ve never found a Flamenco book I really like either.
Hi Christine,
Here’s the link to Jan.:
You’ll find a link to the previous month at the bottom of every weekly email.
Guitar Sessions – January 2024 | Real Guitar Success
Welcome Padraig. It’s great to have you here. I look forward to seeing your progress. Don’t hesitate to ask if I can be of any help.
Hi Anthony. It’s great to find out a little more about you. It sounds like you have some nice guitars. I’m curious: who made the classical guitar?
It’s great that you have a place to practice. I know it makes a big difference for me when I have everything set up and ready to go.
Hi Neri. The sessions come out on the first Monday of the month. November’s sessions will be available this Monday.
Thanks for this, Kevin.
Thanks for letting me know about Dan Thorpe’s Fingerpicking 101. I didn’t know he mentioned me in there. A pleasant surprise 🙂
You’ll find my Fingerstyle Adventures in the RGS University, second page.
Wow… this is great. I like the notes page. Great idea!
Hi Neri. Welcome! I look forward to hearing how your journey progresses.
Welcome Ana. It’s great to have you here. I look forward to supporting you.
Hey Bob, I just thought I’d check in and see how things are going?