RGS Live #70 | Q&A – Diminished vs Half Diminished Chords – Uses and Differences


The hot topic of discussion was over a question I received from a RGS member about the difference between and uses of diminished and half-diminished chords. Not only are those chords a blast to play, but they have this hauntingly beautiful sound that adds intrigue to any piece of music.

Here is a FREE download for some guitar tab exercises on playing both diminished and half-diminished chords, enjoy!

In addition to that great question we discussed other burning guitar topics like, tips for playing the F chord, what are some exercises for changing between open and barre chords, and suggestions for getting used to playing with a guitar pick, plus much more!

Don’t fret (no pun intended) if you missed out on this latest RGS live Q&A session. We will see you next month, same time same place on Thursday June 1st at 12 pm PDT/ 3 pm EDT. Here is the link to save that live session to your calendars!


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