Also, I recommend you complete the New Member Challange (easy). It will not only help you understand the way the lessons work but I’ve included a special gift once completed.
By the way… This course will be released on June 21st. My mistake 🙁
I should have checked to make sure it wasn’t visible yet. As you can see much of it is complete, but it’s missing a few videos, the download sheets, and descriptions.
I like to encourage you to complete the 4th Adventure first… this one should be complete when you come back.
Is there a minor chord that goes better with a major chord?
I don’t think I understand what you’re asking Jonnie. Could you ask another way?
Morra Tomas
I’m back! Delighted to learn a new way to play G. I’ve also begun using the pick! Yeah!
Welcome back Anne!
We got the Minor chords in the Key of G. Thanks.
Am truly enjoying the lesson, still trying to navigate the site though
Hi Faith,
Welcome. I’m happy to help. If you could introduce yourself and let me know more I can offer some guidance.
Go here:
Also, I recommend you complete the New Member Challange (easy). It will not only help you understand the way the lessons work but I’ve included a special gift once completed.
By the way… This course will be released on June 21st. My mistake 🙁
I should have checked to make sure it wasn’t visible yet. As you can see much of it is complete, but it’s missing a few videos, the download sheets, and descriptions.
I like to encourage you to complete the 4th Adventure first… this one should be complete when you come back.
Consider also the Adventures 1 – 3. They may not seem difficult, but there’s a lot of useful info that will help you as you progress.
Take care Faith,