This RGS Live session’s topics covered how to end a guitar song and make it sound professional, how to avoid pain in your fretting hand, proper hand placement on the guitar fretboard, plus much more! We will have another live session next month on Thursday, November 2nd at 12 pm PDT/ 3 pm EDT. If you’d like to join us, bookmark this link and add it to your calendar to remind yourself!
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In this video:
00:01:21 - Do you have any tips for endings that make a song sound professional and polished (specifically for rhythm guitar - accompaniment playing)?
00:07:46 - I recently bought a Fender Strat and I would like to play some blues and country. What should be the first 3 to 5 things I should focus on learning. (I play Acoustic guitar open chords now, I don’t know barre chords yet).
00:12:26 - Are electric guitars easier to play for persons with or advancing arthritis?
00:16:01 - I seem to have a hard time relaxing the fingers on my fretting hand. As a result my left arm tires too quickly and I am starting have pain in my left elbow. Any advice?
00:21:08 - When we make chords in the fretboard area (frets 1 and 2 mostly), is there a lesson or exercise to build the strength in that area so chord stops buzzing?
00:24:36 - What is the difference between using letters, number and roman numerals to describe a scale or chord progression?
00:29:55 - I just started doing fingerstyle, I have a hard time getting volume on the 5th and 6th strings, maybe just need more practice?
00:32:30 - I've been playing awhile and have pretty good callouses, but recently I have had a very tender middle fingertip and don't play, any idea on how to keep this from occurring?
00:35:30 - What can we do to keep our thumb and fretting hand in the middle of the fretboard, my thumb keeps wanting to creep up but still in the back.