Thank you again to you all who joined me for another successful RGS Live session. We talked about many different topics that I think you will all find really helpful. We discussed everything from barre chords, to how to strum better, to what strings are best for a guitar, to how to use a capo!
Great topics for discussion, and I know that if one person is curious about something, that there are even more of you out there that have also pondered over similar guitar questions.
Next month’s RGS Live Session #62 will be on Thursday, September 1st at 12 pm PDT/3 pm EDT. I hope to see you all again then!
Strumming With Your Thumb and Index Finger >>This is one of my favorite ways to strum the guitar, there is a trick though to doing it right. To learn how to strum this way, check out my blog post!
Ultimate Barre Chords Guide >>– Having a lot of problems with bar chords? You’re not alone, this is a great lesson on my blog giving you all the tips and tools you need to play bar chords successfully, finally!
Easy Spanish Guitar Song >> In this lesson you will learn to play the song, Malagueña, originally written by Cuban composer Ernesto Lecuona.
Find the Key of a Song (Members) >>Looking for an better understanding on identifying keys of songs? This course helps songwriters, performers, and beginner guitarists alike!