One Success

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  • Creator
  • #45524


    Bar Chords !!!  I finally can reliably play an F chord quick enough to play a song.  It took quite awhile to get there, but I did.  Now, the Bm bar is coming along as well, just need to pick up speed.   

    I also kept at the finger picking lesson for ‘Landslide’ and now able to play the song almost completly.  I still have trouble going to the D, but know I can get there.

    I really love taking the lessons, and although I’ve been away from the internet over the last couple of weeks, I still play every day.


    Thank you Tomas 



  • Author
  • #45525


    Wow… congratulations! The “F” chord in no small feat. It’s actually more difficult than many of the other bar chords. Good work!

    Thanks for sharing… made my day 🙂



    Since I have joined RGS, I have had so many simple successes. Like the smile that comes to face every time I hear the beautiful sound of a chord progression and realize it’s my hands that are making those chords or when my ears catch the sound of a song that I recognize from the notes and chords I am learning. Joining RGS was the best decision I have made in my guitar journey.

    Thanks Tomas for all the hard work you put into RGS.

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