Hi Tomas:
I think I used the wrong term when I said topic.
I’m thinking a general category in the community form.
I say this because it would not be for help only.
I see it as a place to discuss any guitar/music related topic
You might consider poling us to see if the interest is there.
Thanks, Jack
I may be out in left field but, I was thinking of a catch all topic for the community.
With me, some times the obvious escapes me.
ex. during the uke lesson I decided to use my guitar and play along with different forms
of the chords used using my guitar. It’s not important for anybody to know what
I did but a comment like that from someone might spark interest or Ideas
for us. I guess I’m suggesting a place for comments (they might sprout).
I certainly don’t know if the interest is there in our community.
Just a thought