Hello, I’m Morris

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  • #67126


    Hi everyone. I found Tomas randomly on YouTube, while looking for the picking pattern to Dust in the Wind. I’ve been playing guitar almost 60 years, since I was 10!, but must confess to not having advanced much in recent times. Looking forward to enjoying this pleasant and fun teaching style.

    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by  Morris.
  • Author
  • #67145

    Welcome Morris I’ve got you by12 years with more or less the same story. Hang in there. Tomas is a great guy.

    I’m currently “studying” the Blues. The theory is pretty simple but the playing and timing is major challenge.

    Tomas has some that’s fun but I moved myself a little beyond that an kinda hit a wall 🙂

    enjoy Jack



    Hi Morris,

    Glad to see you here. My Dad gave me my guitar almost 50 years ago, but I was busy raising a family, work, and a bunch of other excuses, I started taking lessons with Tomas after I retired. Its been really fun for the last 3 years here and plan to continue.

    (and yes, “Dust in the Wind” is the song I always wanted to play too, and now I can play the entire song.)



    Jack, your message was heartening. Thanks for getting in touch. Morris



    Hey, Tim. Thanks for your thoughts – guess there’s a few our there like us 🙂 Morris



    Hi Morris. I thought I’d check in and see how things are going?

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