Questions We Answered This Session: 00:03:10 - Can a pickup that I buy separately and attach to the guitar be used instead of buying a guitar that comes with one installed by the factory? Will the sound be comparable? 00:09:08 - When playing a B major barre chord (A-Shape) form I know that ideally mute the high E string. Is it also true when moving it up a half step to play the C major chord should I also mute the high E string? 00:10:46 - How do I get my pinky finger on my fretting hand to stop following my ring finger?16:04 Why not find a song you like that has a skill or multiple skills you want to achieve and practice the skill whilst learning the song? 00:21:25 - What do I need to learn to play lead guitar more efficiently? 00:27:20 - When I play the Cadd9 or the G chord my left ring finger and pinky bend backward on the 3rd fret, 1st, and 2nd strings. Can you recommend any exercises to help overcome this issue? 00:32:15 - What is the best brand for a guitar and/or guitar strings? 00:37:05 - How do I increase speed while playing scales on guitar? 00:42:40 - When playing lead guitar, like improvising over a backing track, how important is speed? 00:44:34 - What specifications should I check out when buying a guitar? 00:46:00 - How many repetitions of a particular skill (learning new chords, chord changes, scales, etc.) are needed until muscle memory takes over? 00:50:28 - How can I know when I've reached my limits in a particular area? 00:53:15 - How many songs should I try to learn at a time? 00:56:30 - Can you explain the composition of a chord and is there a formula behind it? 00:58:34 - Are there exercises that deliver the most "Bang for the Buck" for Barre Chords? 01:00:27 - Any tips for someone who is “scared” to play around and improvise? 01:04:43 - With chords involving my index finger my finger naturally goes sideways rather than the tip hitting the fretboard. Is this OK? 01:06:37 - How often should I be changing strings? 01:08:57 - How do I go from playing chords to playing songs? 01:14:27 - What is the youngest age that a child can learn to play ukulele? 01:16:55 - How long does it take the strings to settle in? 01:19:08 - Should a child learn to play the ukulele before the guitar? Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.