Real Guitar Live #55 | Q & A – Theory Book Recommendations?


Another successful monthly Live Q& A session was held to go over any and all of your questions about all things guitar related! Every month on the first Thursday of the month, I take pre-submitted questions and live chat questions on my Youtube Channel to answer anything you may need recommendations, explanations, or tips to improve your guitar playing skills. This month’s Live Q&A was a great session where we discussed a range of topics, including my theory book recommendations- see those suggestions below!


Theory Books I Talked About:

Guitar Theory for Dummies by Desi Serna

Fretboard Theory by Desi Serna
The author has a website:
Desi tends to be thorough and technical. There’s a lot of good stuff here but I’ve had to pick and choose what is applicable to the styles I teach and play. Good for geeky guitarists and rock/jazz fusion guitarists but a little much for acoustic guitar in the early stages.

The Practical Guide to Modern Music Theory for Guitarists by Joseph Alexander
I haven’t spent much time with this book. It seems similar so far to the stuff above. More to be discovered.

Music Theory (Hal Leonard Guitar Method) by Tom Kolb
Good general music theory applied specifically to guitar.

Practical Theory Complete by Sandy Feldstein
This is more general music theory along the lines of how to read music. It’s not specific to guitar.
I took this course and liked it.

Fretboard Wizard by Tony Polecastro
It was more applicable to acoustic guitar. The cost is around $150 and I think you can only sign up at certain times.

Buzzing strings? Here’s more info on adjusting the guitar.
How to Make Your Acoustic Guitar Easier to Play
Barre Chord Exercises for Finger Strength
First (Most Important) Strumming Pattern

Member Links (Login Required):

Barre Chords For Everyone

This is my step-by-step guided course to learn barre chords. I lead you through a series of exercises and songs that make the hard work of learning barre chords fun. In addition to learning how to play barre chords you’ll learn a method of breaking complex skill into smaller pieces to make it “digestible”. This is included in my Real Guitar Success membership.

6th Adventure – Strumming And Rhythm

Comments on Real Guitar Live #55 | Q & A – Theory Book Recommendations?

  1. You might think about checking with your local community college. I don’t know today but it was very economical.
    In my humble opinion, you’ll understand it far better than a book. But, you’ll have to tolerate those Pianists 🙂
    Best of Luck Jack

    1. Tomas says:

      Good to hear from you Jack. I started off with classes at the Community College level. I found a great teacher at a local college, Elvo D’Amante. I took some of his classes twice just to be able to asking questions. Here’s his book: Music Fundamentals by Elvo D’Amante. In some ways his classes were better than at the University because he knew what you needed as a professional performing musician. I think it depends a lot on the teacher.

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