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February 13, 2023 at 10:10 am #70162
BrianParticipantSo I figured while working on stuff I would post about it maybe someone some day will be interested in it.
So studying two things right now. Note as I study other things the post will just grow.
1. Music notation itself
2. Interval type
notes starting on bottom line of treble clift are basicaly
E G B D F on the lines
F A C E between the lines.
all together just starts in order and goes E, F, G, A, B, C, D and then starts over above or behind the main music lines
However, while I only do it to sometimes check work for someone not wanting to learn music you might use something like this web page:
The other thing I am working interval type also has a web page you can check your work for simple intervals (don’t have one for compound but just remember its octave + simple and you will be fine).
I will add practice examples in next post for intervals and you can use the website to grade them.
February 13, 2023 at 10:13 am #70164
BrianMemberUse the website to grade answers and I will provide answers and a cheat sheet as well so you know what intervals are. I normally at this point look at what they are and try to find them as I am learning music and intervals at same time so its slow exercise that takes good amount of time.
The first one they Use P for Perfect so basically you put if its perfect, major, minor etc.. Down a few posts I will show how I did it.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Brian.
February 13, 2023 at 10:15 am #70166
BrianMemberFebruary 13, 2023 at 11:21 am #70168
BrianMember<div>Below is answers</div>
I use minus key for flat – = flat.
First row:
G to C int = 3.5 intervals which is a perfect 4th
C to E int = 2 intervals which is a major 3rd
C to E- int = 1.5 intervals which is a minor 3rd
F to C int = 3.5 intervals which is a perfect 5th
E to E int = octave
E to D int = 5 intervals which is a minor 7th
B to C int = .5 intervals which is a minor 2nd
G to E int = 4.5 intervals which is a Major 6th diminished
G to E- int = 4 intervals which is a minor 6th
Second Row:
C to B- int = 5 intervals which is a minor 7th
A to D# int = 3 intervals which is a Dim 5th or aug 4rth
F to A int = 2 intervals which is a Major 3rd
C to E int = 2 intervals which is a Major 3rd
D to A- int = 2.5 intervals which is a Diminished 5th (this fits special case below *
B to F# int = 3.5 interval which is a perfect 5th
E to G# int = 2 intervals which is a major 3rd
C to 2nd E int = 3 + 6 for Octave intervals which is a octave + major 3rd = major 10th
C to 2nd F int = 3.5 + 6 for Octave intervals which is octave + perfect 4th = perfect 11th
C to 2nd A int = 4.5 + 6 for Octave intervals which is octave + major 6th = major 13th
Third Row:
C to B – – int = 4.5 intervals which is a Dim 7th
F# to C## int = 4 intervals which is a augmented 5th
A to E# int = 4.5 intervals which is a Aug 5th 0(this fits special case below *)
F to B- int = 2.5 intervals which is a perfect 4th
E to D int = 5 intervals which is minor 7th
F to D- int = 4 intervals which is minor 6th
B to A# int = 5.5 intervals which is major 7th
D to E- int = .5 intervals which is minor 2nd
E- to D int = 5.5 intervals which is major 7th
A- to C- int = 1.5 intervals which is minor third
February 13, 2023 at 12:20 pm #70175
TomasAdministratorThis is great Brian. I didn’t quite understand your use of the word “intervals”? Is this in place of the word “step”? I use this term in this way: 1 step=2 frets. 1/2 step is one fret. A major 3rd interval is 2 steps. A minor 3rd is 1 1/2 steps. And so on.
February 13, 2023 at 6:27 pm #70177
BrianMemberyes Step and 1/2 step I refer to them as whole step and half step also sometimes tone and semi tone.
I guess what was confusing in my answers I named the 1.5 steps I did not put the word steps in there. I should have for example labeled it.
“[A- to C- steps = 1.5] and the interval name is minor third”
I know interval in non-music terms means how far something is; so I used it loosely and then also used it again when talking about the specific name of the musical interval. Good catch! and poor labeling by me.
Your right that is confusing. I get excited when typing and sharing information like a little kid and that translates to communicating like a kid at times doh!!!! :X
dang it fail sauce!!! I suck haha!
P.S. I would go fix it but you can only edit for a set amount of time.
Also I had sent you a question that was a giant wall of text about Intervals and why they wanted me to memorize it in certain positions I think I figured that out on my own so can ignore if like.
February 13, 2023 at 6:39 pm #70181
BrianMemberHere is some Ear Training with Intervals from book
Later might move all this stuff to word document edit all mistakes and and redo forums post where its all tidy but still learning to use forums here and ideas how to share. So sorry about all the stuff that may not be as straight forward. I am a research beast that goes hours each day but its very raw. I always call myself the a caveman meaning not as refined as probably should be for a intellectual and I have more of a pickaxe approach with brute strength and sheer amount of time and tenacity.
February 13, 2023 at 6:41 pm #70183
BrianMemberFebruary 13, 2023 at 9:22 pm #70184
TomasAdministratorYou made me laugh 🙂 Thanks Brian!
February 15, 2023 at 6:03 pm #70237
BrianMemberSo had a little revelation today!!!
First off things are going really slow but its really fine because I am having to study the material alot then I have to take quizzes and stuff. so far have been focused on intervals and I am finding out they are part of everything which makes sense because they are how we label different sounds.
I moved on to Triads today after doing my interval ear training where I hear an interval and find it on guitar then map out the steps and half steps between notes to see what type of interval it is and my ears seem way better than when I was 18 years old as far as being able to find the notes.
Anyway back to Triads! I was not that excited about Triads I knew in the past what a Triad basically was it was a chord with the core notes. for a major chord: root, 3rd & 5th.
However oh boy was I wrong!!! you see while it was said in the past I never paid attention that much that for major chord it was a major 3rd and for the minor chord it was a minor third! Now in the past I knew the word major third, minor third I knew the distance between notes was intervals and those where some of the names of them etc… BUT DID I REALLY KNOW WHAT THEY MEANT??? No I don’t think so. In fact I know I didn’t I was pretty ignorant to the importance of them and how far this all goes.
See once you learn intervals then you start learning triads and then you learn each triad is actually two intervals for major its a [root, major 3rd & minor 3rd] and for a minor its a [root, minor third & major 3rd]. why is this important??? well I will get to that in a moment but look at those two chords real fast first. They are transposed and its all about the interval tone/distance between them. You reverse the minor and you have major and if you reverse the major you have minor.
Next there is two other chords not used often but they have importance and also relate to the intervals. there is Augmented and Diminished Triads and they are very easy to remember. augmented triad is [major triad with raised 5th: [root, 3rd, #5] and the minor triad is just a minor triad with a diminished 5th [ root, -3rd, -5th]. ( minus – = flat) for this reason there can only exist four possible e combinations. major triad: (major, minor), minor triad: (minor, major) and aug triad: (major, major) and diminished triad (minor, minor). so not much to remember here just 4!! oh but it gets better!!!
in past when I made triads it was like what key is this triad in I was trying to look at keys and it could be difficult when building all over the neck and especially when your learning every note on the neck and you cannot build a chord because not sure what you will get all the time; that can kind of suck!
intervals come to the rescue!!! now if you know intervals and all those beautiful half steps and whole steps and you remember the small amount of triad chords you can create them anywhere and quickly know what they are even when they get weird!!!
simply use intervals ok your first interval is 1.5 steps well that’s a minor third so guess what you have your first keyboard and you know if you want a minor key just find next note that is two steps for example you started with E and you added G so you know B will be your next note. Maybe however you want to make it diminished then you know you need another minor for a minor 3rd/minor3rd interval! not to mention you can tell with your ears as well. Anyway I found it really cool.
I am studying inversions now where the root is not always in the base. sometimes the 3rd is in the base its called a “first inversion” and when the 5th is in the base its called a “second inversion”. Still studying these last topics if I have a revelation and get it all figured out I will share.
February 15, 2023 at 6:55 pm #70243
BrianMemberok now I see how this is beneficial!!!
E -1.5-> G -2.5-> C
So within the pattern look at what you have you know you need major 3rd and you know you need minor third for a primary non dim or aug triad.
No matter how you do this G is never going to be a 1.5 step (minor) or a 2 step (major from C or vice versus. So you move on. You see E is never going to work as a root with C as well.
However, you see that C–1.5 steps–>C is a minor 3rd and then its easy to see that E–2 steps–>G is a major 3rd and you know a minor 3rd and a major 3rd make a major triad so this is C major.
So you can identify triad that way if you was using some three chord triad but not sure what it was and wanted to create others to have a chordal melody but you was creatively having a block that you could remedy with music theory.
So anyway this is a example of a First inversion with the (3rd in the bass)
below is a few examples could analyze if wished including the one I did.
February 15, 2023 at 7:58 pm #70244
TomasAdministratorThis is fantastic, Brian. When I read this post, I had a chill of inspiration. I have more to say about this whole subject. I’ll talk about it in the next RGS Live using your “question” as a jumping point.
February 16, 2023 at 6:43 am #70257
February 16, 2023 at 6:51 am #70260
BrianMemberBtw I am use to running two monitors so will normally have “realguitar” page up or one of my theory books on left monitor and then on right monitor I throw up reference material. Here is my current reference material I have up about 99% of the time. Granted the list changes as I learn things or read them or make a note to my self. one change I did was start thinking about the intervals in half steps instead of like whole steps + half steps.
The reason why is its easier to remember because its sequential and even for a person like me who cannot do math in their head that well even I can divide by 2. So just take half steps and divide by two and left over is half steps if you need that info. Much easier to memorize this way I have found.
The other is the circle of 5ths but I will be honest as I learn theory & “practice it daily” I rely a bit less on circle of 5ths. Also remember a 5th is called the perfect 5th and is 7 half strep or divide by 2 and you have 3.5 whole steps so you have most of it either way! So now instead of just looking at a circle of 5ths because you understand intervals you can create your own anytime you want!!!
February 16, 2023 at 6:55 am #70265
BrianMemberFebruary 16, 2023 at 7:17 am #70278
BrianMemberI am now going over intervals and triads in my other three music books once I am done getting all the different authors perspectives and utilizing this method as a study tool as well doing all their quizzes and practice I will start on harmonization of the major chord basically following the topics blow then read and redo them all again in my other three music theory books.
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