

  • Creator
  • #7939

    My name is Denice. I’m one of those who “spent a lot on local disorganized guitar lessons” and couldn’t wrap my mind around lack of structure so my guitar has gotten more attention from dust particles than from me. So, giving this a try. PS: the profile pic is of my mom who recently passed away. Wished I could have played some music for her while she was alive.

  • Author
  • #8029

    Welcome Denice:
    Sorry to here about your mom but that is life and you made a wonderful gesture. You
    can be proud. Your not alone with your lack of structure experience.
    Many of us have experienced the same misfortune
    I think you’ll like it here.


    Thanks for the welcome Jack. I hope I have a good time here, too 🙂 Let the improvement begin.



    Hi Denice,


    I can tell you so many stories about my experiences with unorganized guitar teachers. Oh well… Those days are over.

    I’ve got a live training (as in live online) this Thursday at 4 PM. Hope you can make it.


    Even if you don’t have questions now… sometimes listening to other people’s questions will help with things you didn’t know to ask. Also I have a presentation that your find very helpful in the beginning.

    – Tomas

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