Happy new year from Amsterdam!

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  • #22006


    Hi everyone,

    Happy new year!

    Hope you’re enjoying the holiday?

    My name is Sisi and I’m a beginner in learning acoustic guitar.

    New year, so new goals I figured!

    I’m determined to learn barre chords, because that’s where I used to get stuck before

    but that’s where all the fun songs I wanna learn are 😄


    Good luck everyone!

    Greetings from Amsterdam



  • Author
  • #22026

    Alan Wayne

    Hi Sisi,

    Welcome and Happy New Year from North Palm Beach, Florida.

    In my opinion, you just found yourself an amazing barre cord teacher and a whole lot more!

    This is a wonderful and supportive group.

    So, as soon as you get the barre cords down,  what songs will you be playing?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.






    Hi Sisi,

    Welcome and happy New Year!

    I agree… all the good songs need at least one bar chord 🙂

    The main issue I’ve found with students is they attempt bar chords with little preparation.

    If you’d like some feedback on where to get started let me now.

    I see you’ve spent some time on Begger Guitar For Grownups course. Good start. I’d encourage you to start on the Beginner’s Journey (The Roadmap). It’s the next logical place and very step-by-step.

    I’ve just simplified the Home Page so it’s one of the big circles on top.

    Let me know if that makes sense or if there’s something else I should know to best help you.

    Take care Sisi,




    Hi Alan and Tomas,


    So nice to hear from you!

    Gonna definitely start with the beginner’s journey

    I have a tendency to wanna rush things and skip some steps so thank you for that advice!

    There are some Amy Winehouse songs I wanna learn like Stronger than me and Take the box.

    I play piano and I work as a singer but learning jazz chords on guitar is still new for me and very challenging

    so I have to take the time to learn the basics first and slow my impatient self down sometimes hahaha 😄


    Have a nice weekend!





    Hi Sisi,

    I’ve listened to some of your videos on YouTube… awesome!

    What a voice!

    I appreciate your willingness to go through the basics. The Beginner’s Journey is for beginners. If you find it’s going a little too slow you might want to check out the Rapid Learning System 101 and 102 in the Course Modules.

    There’s also an entire course module on Bar Chords… and more advanced chords as well.

    If you’d like some more recommendations just let me know.

    I can relate to being impatient… story of my life 🙂




    Hi Tomas,

    Oh wow!

    So cool that you checked out my music, thank you.

    The reason why I wanna learn guitar is also to write songs for my band Secret Rendezvous on guitar.

    I find that I write different on piano than on guitar so it’s inspiring to learn more instruments!


    Ok, gonna check out the rapid learning system

    and AFTER that the bar chords module 😄

    Thanks for your tips!


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