Learn Guitar, Improve Skills, and Play with Confidence › RGS Community Forums (Archive) › Help/General Discussion › Where did the Beginner’s Journey Go?111 › Reply To: Where did the Beginner’s Journey Go?111

Hi Michael,
I’ll address each of your discussions separately. The original Beginner’s Journey is not going away anytime soon. The link is at the bottom of the home Dashboard 2.0 and will be there.
I made the change quite a while ago and gave students instructions on how to use the new dashboard, as well as plenty of time to explore and ask questions.
I understand you’re away and that you missed all of that. Along with giving you access to the original Beginners Journey, I can explain more about the change and why it’s an improvement. It was a lot of work on my part and a little over a year of a process. It was not done on a whim just for change.
I’ll go to one of your other comments to answer more questions.