Want Personal Feedback from Tomas?
Each month you can submit a request for feedback on anything related to your guitar learning journey – your progress, advice about your practice schedule, what you should be working on, a specific technical issue. Basically whatever you would like me to provide my thoughts on.
How it Works
1. Simply complete the form below with details of what you would like feedback on
2. Feedback will be emailed to you in 3-5 days. Feedback will either be in text or video form.
Some Submission Guidelines
- Be as specific about what you would like feedback on as possible
- If you’d like us to look at something you’re working on you can record a video, upload it to YouTube and include the link. You can label it as “Unlisted” if you’d prefer other not to see it. Important: Do not label it as Private. Don’t make the video too long please… I can watch only the first 1 - 2 minutes.
- If you’d like immediate feedback from myself and other members as well you may prefer to post your request in the RGS Facebook Connect Group.
- If you require private feedback more quickly, please tick the box at the bottom of the form and we’ll do our best to get things to you more speedily (but no guarantees!)
- Don’t make the video too long please… I can watch only the first 1 - 2 minutes.