Names & Numbers


Let’s start off by talking about the guitar string names in order. 

First of all, the lowest string is the thickest string. This sometimes confuses people when they’re first starting. Often, beginners may think the “lowest” string means the lowest physically on the guitar. When talking about string names on guitar, “lowest” refers to the pitch, meaning the lowest string is our lowest note. 

The lowest string is called an “E”, and the highest string is also called an “E”. If you start from the string closest to you, the 6th string (low E), the guitar string names in order are:

6th String: low E
5th String: A
4th String: D
3rd String: G
2nd String: B
1st String: high E

guitar string names and numbers

Seems like a lot to remember right? 

It’s not that hard if you take a little time to memorize it… and it’s important. It really is helpful for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is to make it easier and faster when someone is explaining where to put you fingers on the guitar neck. It's the difference between “put your fingers there and there… no, not there… THERE”, and “put your first finger on the B string, second fret“. 

Let's talk about some ways to memorize the guitar string names. 

How to Memorize the Guitar String Names

So one way to learn string names on guitar is to quiz yourself a little bit at a time. Start by naming a string, then identify it. You can also try breaking it up into groups. I don’t expect you remember it yet. 

Try it now! Pluck your strings, and say their name. Try going 6th string to 1st, and 1st string to 6th. 

(1st to 6th) E – B – G – D – A – E
(6th to 1st) E – A – D – G – B – E 

If you do this a little bit each day for a week, you’ll have it down in no time. At some point, try quizzing yourself on all of the strings going up and down. Another aspect of this is that some people refer to the strings by numbers. So instead of calling the strings “A” or “low E”, they’ll refer to them as “5th string” or “6th string”.

Another way the memorize the guitar string names is to use a mnemonic… a phrase as a crutch. One popular one is Elephants And Donkeys Grow Big Ears.

Even though it's a little tedious at first I find the repetition method I described above more effective. Like training wheels on a bicycle, you have to know when to let go of the crutch to gain real facility.

There's no reason you couldn't use both methods. 

Numbering Systems: the Fretboard

Now that you know your guitar string names (and numbers), it’s time to learn about the other numbering system: the frets. 

The first fret is the space between the nut and the first metal bar on your fretboard; then count up from there. Some guitars have dots on the side of the neck and on the fretboard to help you see when you’re playing. Normally on an acoustic guitar there are dots on the 3rd, 5th, 9th and 12th frets. If you have them, great, if not, don’t really dont worry about it. You’ll memorize where they are soon enough.

Fingers Have Numbers Too!

Next we want to number the fingers on your left hand. Your index finger is the “first finger”, middle is second, and so on. Your fourth finger is sometimes just called your little finger, or pinky. First, second and third fingers are the most common that you’ll see for numbering. 

This is particularly helpful when you’re making chords. For example, you can just say, “fourth finger, 3rd fret, 2nd string”. 

Try one now! Let’s try the D chord… 

First put your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of your 1st string
Then put your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of your 2nd string.

Finally put your 1st finger on the 2nd fret of your 3rd string

Time to Practice

I encourage you to practice a little bit of this everyday. Go through the names of guitar strings, the numbers of the strings and give yourself a little test. Name a string and a fret and a finger to use and see if you can place it, or ask a friend to quiz you!

**Another system that some find helpful is to use this phrase to remember the letter names of the strings:

-Eddie Ate Dynamite Good Bye Eddie (Low to High)

Think of it like training wheels. You use it only as long as you need to.

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