Bug on the website ?

  • Creator
  • #78605


    Hello ^^

    I think there is a problem with the lesson “Playing in time” (in the Beginner’s journey lessons, 1st adventure)

    it doesn’t load. (dashboard 2.0)

    I get a warning saying that the previous lesson is not marked as complete.
    It’s the only problem in the lessons. ( I can access the rest by clicking on the lesson)
    I think I can pick it up the old version (i guess it’s the same videos).

    EDIT : Oh nevermind, it seems it’s working now .. I had this problem since yesterday, it got “fixed” just after posting that message ahah

    • This discussion was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by  Josué.
  • Author
  • #78607


    Thanks, Josué. I really appreciate the screenshot. There was a problem. Someone else brought it to my attention, and I fixed it just a little while ago. Please let me know if you find anything else, and I’ll get right on it.

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