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Btw I am use to running two monitors so will normally have “realguitar” page up or one of my theory books on left monitor and then on right monitor I throw up reference material. Here is my current reference material I have up about 99% of the time. Granted the list changes as I learn things or read them or make a note to my self. one change I did was start thinking about the intervals in half steps instead of like whole steps + half steps.
The reason why is its easier to remember because its sequential and even for a person like me who cannot do math in their head that well even I can divide by 2. So just take half steps and divide by two and left over is half steps if you need that info. Much easier to memorize this way I have found.
The other is the circle of 5ths but I will be honest as I learn theory & “practice it daily” I rely a bit less on circle of 5ths. Also remember a 5th is called the perfect 5th and is 7 half strep or divide by 2 and you have 3.5 whole steps so you have most of it either way! So now instead of just looking at a circle of 5ths because you understand intervals you can create your own anytime you want!!!