4-3 The A Major Chord

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woooo…. I have crappy timing on anything other than basic strum…….. uggg

Went on to practice that song bad moon rising and it was fine except when started on the:
D ——————– | A G
D – DU DU DU | D D D D
1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2

I keep getting off timing I mean I can get back to hit the A and G and it sounds pretty good but when I drill down to my strums not sure I hit all those DU, DU DU perfectly. So yes playing song pretty much in time but. When I did just the song with a metronome my DU I think was not perfect on each beat. as I have a high pitch click on the fourth beat of the metronome and sometime it might be a tad off meaning not perfect on the D and & then up. I know that sounds like maybe bad but I worry that over a long rhythm piece maybe these little bits add up to throw me off time. I do try to orientate back off my changes to A and G but not sure if every time I ended up perfect back on the 1st beat I think sometimes I ended up on the 4rth beat so timing drifting a bit…

Do I I just keep working with metronome for that? I really want to be a good rhythm player this time around.

More over using two strong fingers to play Chord A and you refer its a Bar code for A, I like it. This is my first bar chord , can be played with confidence. Thanks.

Chord A is one of my best to play along D major. Though now that you showed me I can use two fingers to play Chord “A” too. I can do both ways. Two fingers have more room in it. May be I can use 3rd and 4th to do more complex later. I think our point finger and middle fingers have more power in them. Thank you anyway. Good lesson.

I found the “standard” way of playing the A chord, fairly easy. The “alternate” way, I have not been able to do it without muting the 3rd string [with the 1st finger]. Is there a technique that helps collapse the finger (bar) that can help? [Will it be covered later in Barre Chords]? Thanks!

Tomas (Administrator) August 6, 2020 at 10:41 pm

Hi Y0chanan, Yeah… it’s too early to worry about playing different forms of the chords. Not the best place to put your effort.

I’d never seen this alternate fingering. I kind of like it! I’ll keep giving it a try. Thanks.

is it ok to use fingers 2,3, and pinky for this chord. this is most comfortable

sorry is it ok to use 3,4 and pinky for A chord?

Tomas (Administrator) April 30, 2019 at 11:00 am

Hi Paul… 2, 3 and pinky (4) is fine.

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